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Join Us

We take your time, money and energy seriously - starting with this form.


Over the next three years, we are building groups across the country of feminists that represent the energy and diversity of the UK.


Supporters pay a small monthly amount, being funded by the community itself is essential to the way we work. This way, the community itself owns the agenda, not funders or the government (we feel so strongly about this one that we have and will never take government money). Love & Power will only work if people from all backgrounds in all circumstances can join, that's why we suggest giving an hour’s salary a month. There are £1 memberships too for those who want to join but money is particularly tricky, for example if you’re rebuilding after an abusing relationship or you are in our asylum system withno recourse to public funds.


When you first sign up here as a supporter, we will send you updates, and invitations for training and events. After providing your details, we also ask supporters to make a small monthly contribution that they can afford. This is so important - it means our agenda is genuinely owned by our members and we can sustain the fight to be able to win, not be dependent on what a funder or government thinks (in fact, we don’t take government money at all so that we can hold organisations to account). Our membership welcomes and spans from people living on benefits to people earning six figures, because we believe this movement only works if everyone can joinWe’ve suggested amounts for an hour’s salary a month, and put other options too - there’s also an email to send if finances are a barrier at the bottom

When we've got enough supporters in a given area we'll come to do some more in-depth work with you to help to build a structured chapter that can win together. 


If this sounds exciting and you believe in the mission or want to be involved, please sign up below.

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